
Partizipative Projekte aus dem Bereich der Japanologie

History of Austro-Japanese Relations

An overview of the most important events and developments of the Japanese-Austrian relations

1625: First Austrian in Japan: Christoph Carl Fernberger

1869: Friendship, trade and seafaring contract signed in Tokyo by rear admiral Anton Freiherr von Petz on October 18th

1871: Contract is signed by the Austrian emperor and Japanese tennō

1873: Vienna World’s Fair with Japan as one of the exhibitor countries as part of the Iwakura-Mission

1907: Austrian-Hungarian legation promoted to the rank of embassy, Japan dispatches an embassy to Vienna

1914: Diplomatic relations are put to a halt with the start of the First World War

1935: Formation of the Japanese-Austrian Community in Tokyo by Baron Mitsui Takaharu

1953: Resumption of diplomatic relations

1955: Japan is the first country to recognize Austria’s neutrality on November 15th

1957:  New delegations in Tokyo and Vienna get promoted to the rank of embassy

1965: Founding of the Institute of Japanese Studies in Vienna

1999: Austrian Federal President Thomas Klestil visits Japan

2002: Japanese imperial couple visits Japan

2009: 140-year anniversary, state visits of Federal President Heinz Fischer and Prince Akishino and his wife



Text: Alexander Kuhn